3rd year, 7-10 November 2019
Competition is held by courtesy of Dagmar Patrasová
and under the auspices of
Vít Šimral – councillor of the Municipality of the Capital City Prague
for Education and Social Policy
Mgr. Ondřej Kolář
Mayor of the Municipal district of Prague 6
Základní umělecká škola Jana Hanuše, Praha 6
U Dělnického cvičiště 1/1100 B
Prague 6 – Břevnov
in cooperation with Klub přátel školy při ZUŠ Jana Hanuše, Praha 6
1. The goal of the competition is to promote and popularize harp playing, support of mutual meetings and comparing players’ skills of young harpists.
Competition is designated as one-round, open to students under the age of 26 and of all grades of art schools.
2. Competition categories:
Category 1 |
Born in 2011 and younger |
2 – 4 min |
Category 2 |
Born in 2009 and 2010 |
3 – 5 min |
Category 3 |
Born in 2007 and 2008 |
4 – 8 min |
Category 4 |
Born in 2005 and 2006 |
5 – 10 min |
Category 5 |
Born in 2002, 2003 and 2004 |
7 – 12 min |
Category 6 |
Born in 1999, 2000 and 2001 |
10 – 16 min |
Category 7 |
Born in 1996, 1997 and 1998 |
12 – 18 min |
Category 8 |
Born in 1991, 1992 and 1993 |
14 – 20 min |
Competitors in categories 1-2 will play the lever harp. Category 3 and higher are allowed to use only pedal harp.
Minimal duration limit for each category is mandatory. Participants that do not follow this rule will be disqualified.
The maximal limit may be exceeded by one minute, then the performance will be stopped with no influence on number of marks in the evaluation given by the jury.
Competition performances are public.
There will be Camac lever harps and pedal Lyon&Healy available. Pedal harps will be lend by Mr. Antony Gralak. Participants may also play their own instruments, brought on their own expense and responsibility.
The order of competitors will be set during the opening ceremony by drawing the specific letter, which all categories will start from. Each participant will have a possibility of a short training before his/her performance.
Immediately after the end of each category a seminar with the jury will take place.
3. Repertoire:
Category 1 – 2 – pieces of free choice within the specified duration limit
Category 3 – obligatory piece by Sylvie Bodorová and two pieces of different periods – baroque (or classicism) and romanticism (or modernism)
Category 4 – obligatory piece by Bedřich Dobrodinský: “SUITA PRO HARFU” and two pieces of different periods – baroque (or classicism) and romanticism (or modernism)
Category 5 – obligatory piece by Bedřich Dobrodinský: “SUITA PRO HARFU” and two pieces of different periods – baroque (or classicism) and romanticism (or modernism)
Category 6 – obligatory piece by J. F. Fischer: “4 ETUDY PRO SÓLOVOU HARFU” ( 4 ETUDES PER HARP SOLO) – No. 4 Allegro vivo, and two pieces of different periods – baroque (or classicism) and romanticism (or modernism)
Category 7 – 8 – obligatory piece by Sylvie Bodorová: „Anemone“and two pieces of two different periods, mentioned above
Compositions with the accompaniment of any other instrument are not allowed.
On the request of the jury, competitors are obliged to put in the sheet music of interpreted compositions.
PLAYING BY HEART is the condition in all categories.
4. The jury will be set up of five renowned harp teachers chosen by the organizers of the competition. The jury’s decision is final and unchangeable.
The first award winners will obtain the title “competition laureate”.
The winner of the entire competition will be declared at the final concert.
5. Application shall be submitted by 30 September 2019 electronically by the form filled out below on or and labeled as Harfová soutěž prof. Karla Patrase. Please add the payment confirmation copy of passport or other birth certificate. The payment confirmation of the competition fee of 40,- € – electronic payment on account IBANCZ6101000000000004332061, SWIFT /BIC/ KOMBCZPPXXX with variable symbol 7102019 must be specified by the name of the school and the surname of the competitor. The score of the obligatory piecewill be provided after sending the application form.
Sending the application serves as an agreement with the conditions of the contest and with the eventual posting of names and photographs.
As far as the capacity of the competition is full, the promoter reserves the privilege not to accept further applications.
6. Rules of the competition are part and parcel of the competition´s declaration (available on the internet page